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  • Writer's pictureAnna Pearl

Song #13 - "Hello My Loneliness," by Delaney Jane

There are days when all a person can do is lay on their bed as tears leak free. The warm tears take their time running down their face, dribbling, dribbling...

Drop. Right onto the pillowcase.

But you don't notice that, you don't feel it. Not with the ache in your chest. The one that makes you wonder if someone took your heart out and forgot to replace it. Because your sternum hurts and you feel empty, lonely, like no one will ever be there again. Like the people who are there aren't worth anything at all.

"Remember when I told you I never wanted to meet again? Hello, my loneliness. This time can we be friends?"

But loneliness is no one's friend; it's no one's companion. Not unless the night is dark and cold, your chest is hollow, and your limbs ache.

Nobody is there. They never will be.

But loneliness holds you tight, caressing your cheek as if it could ever be comforting.

I've got you. I'm here. I'll never leave you alone like they did.

It held you close, but as the door opened and someone came through, you felt arms wrap around you.

You're wrong. Loneliness, be gone.

Welcome to freedom, my little warrior.


Hello My Loneliness, Delaney Jane & Call Me Karizma

Estimated Time of Memory: Recurring Memory Turned Into Fiction

Genre: Pop

Potential Triggers: Loneliness,

Favorite Lyric: "Hello my loneliness. So we meet again. You haven't changed a bit. I'm getting used to it."

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