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  • Writer's pictureAnna Pearl

"The Calm and Cozy Book of Sleep," by Beth Wyatt

Genre: Non-fiction,

Page Count: 100+

Published: 2020 (Rock Point)

Potential Triggers: None

Mental Health Topics: Sleep, Insomnia, Mentions Stress/Anxiety,

(This book wasn't entirely mental health related, but sleep affects many aspects of our health, which includes our mental health, so I thought I'd include this.)

If you're ever looking for a short book that goes over many different aspects of sleep, this is definitely the book that I'd suggest. Beth Wyatt does an amazing job writing The Calm and Cozy Book of Sleep, and she approached it from the view of a sleep coach, but she also made sure it was clear and readable for people who know next to nothing about sleep.

What I appreciated the most about this book was that not only did it clarify a few things but it also gave advice for if you're struggling with sleep. I'm pretty sure she covered basically all the smaller issues, which was really enlightening because you can actually fix those on your own rather than going to doctors and trying to figure out what's wrong. As someone who struggles with sleep, that opened my eyes up to a few things that I might be doing wrong.

I also appreciated how short this book was. She packed a good bit of information in a small book without being technical, which I thought was amazing. If you're ever looking for a quick "shot" of information, the shorter books can often be a good place to go and this book is no exception.

Things you might be able to learn from this book:

- why sleep is important

- how sleep plays into self-care

- what sleeping positions are best

- what can play a part in helping (or hurting) your sleep

- one opinion on napping

If you're interested in any of these things, I'd highly recommend reading this book. It's a short read, an easy read, but it really was one that I'm glad I read. I'm even more glad I own it, so I can go back and reread it whenever I need a refresher. I really enjoyed this book.


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