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  • Writer's pictureAnna Pearl

The Adventures of Stella Luna: My First (And Hopefully Last) Amusement Park

Guys, you will not believe that I had a crazy scary experience a few weeks ago. I know, I know, I'm super brave and confident and curious, but you have to understand, there was screaming.

But let me backtrack a little bit.

My mom was super excited about going to Six Flags and being able to bring me with her. And I was excited, too, because I got to go somewhere with Mama! I walked in with my head high and my ears pricked and my nose ready to sniff interesting smells.

As we walked up the steps, I have to admit, I strained against the leash a little bit, trying to go ahead of Mama to make sure there wasn't going to be anything scary ahead of her, but as we got closer, I slowed down a little bit.

A few things happened and I was fine. Mama talked to a security guard, the group stopped by the bathrooms...

And then I heard it.

At first, it was distant, but as we continued towards the rides, I heard it grow louder and louder: people screaming for their lives as they whooshed by.

I felt like my mind was spinning as the music played at each speaker, spaced periodically down the walkways. The strong smells wafted over from the food "shacks," so strong I wished I could plug my nose.

But then came the worst thing of all.

There were bars on either side of Mama and me, rising high above me, and as one ride left, I heard the clacking, combined with the screaming, and began to tremble, hiding behind Mama's imposing figure.

Mama glanced at me in concern, but continued forward, trying to gently tug me out from behind her, but I was stiff. Mama turned to Grandma and unclipped the leash from me, passing me on and asking her to take me away from the ride Mama was about to ride. I shook harder. She's leaving me? Is she going to be okay? This place is scary!

Grandma gently led me down the ramp again, guiding us to a bench and bribing me with treats. I sat next to her legs, glancing around frantically for Mama. Where is her purple hair? Was she screaming, too?

I looked up at the ride just as another cart went by and saw Mama waving at me. Immediately I jumped to my feet, tugging at the leash. Mama!! Come back! But she wooshed away with the screams.

My shaking only got worst, and even when Mama finally came back, I couldn't stop shaking and looking up at her. Was she going to disappear again? Were we going to make it out of this okay?

A cart wooshed by next to us and I jumped, but Mama rubbed my neck gently and shook her hand in front of me. "Loud noise," she said softly in my ear.

But the carts and the screams and the loud noises and the people... My senses whirled and I couldn't get myself to stop shaking and panting.

Finally, they took me to a little grassy area just for service dogs, fit with its own fire hydrant and tree, where Mama sat down and stroked me, letting me sniff and lay in the grass and start calming down. Eventually, I calmed down, but I couldn't help but hope that I never went back.

So that's about it. I hate amusement parks, apparently. Who knew they were so scary!?

And of course, I crashed on my chair when I got home, but that's a topic for another time. Thanks for reading!

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