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  • Writer's pictureAnna Pearl

The Wacky Post Schedule of a Frog

As some of you may have seen last week, I had a fairly good-sized break for a few days because my mental state just crashed. I wanted to write, and I tried, but there was too much happening emotionally and mentally for me to do so. And also the sheer number of places I had to be took a lot of energy that I simply didn't have, leaving me impressively drained by the end of the day.

I'm totally writing this on a day where I woke up after noon and that was only because my mom woke me (Apparently my dog kept checking on me. She was really concerned because I don't usually sleep that late). I'm still exhausted, but I'm alive enough today to sit down and just write and enjoy it.

But that said, I am going to adjust a few things in my writing schedule until all this mental health craziness eases up a little bit—which may be a while because I'm starting new meds and I still don't know what kind of affects it'll have on me. I usually don't feel great, but most of the time, I don't feel this bad, either. I've just had a really tough time of it lately and I'm waiting for things to slow down so I can get the break I so desperately need. Until then, I'm going to just shave a couple things down a bit.

So, here's my idea for this upcoming week.

Sunday -> This post

Monday -> Nothing because it'll be the 4th of July for us Americans :)

Tuesday -> A poem

Wednesday -> No idea, but I'm going to try to make sure I post

Thursday -> Break day!

Friday -> Potentially something random like another poem, maybe something else if I handle it. Worst case scenario, this'll be another break day so I can finish the book for Saturday.

Saturday -> A book review (IF I manage to read a book by next Saturday. With the holiday, I might not, but that's what I would post if I post that day)

This might be a really sporadic week, but I'm hoping to not let myself get too lax about not writing just because I don't feel like it. Yes, I feel like crap, but I need to write. That's how I release most of the time. That's how I get everything out.

That said, though, if the number of poems increases drastically over the next few weeks, that's why. Poetry is my #1 coping mechanism. I might be posting mostly poems instead of nonfiction mental health posts and music stuff for a bit, just as a warning.

With luck, this week will be the only weird week before I start to get things back into the swing of how they "used to be."

Without luck... this might be my July.

Regardless, thank you for reading. And thank you for (hopefully) being understanding. <3

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