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  • Writer's pictureAnna Pearl

Where A Frog Writer Pretends She Has Any Plans

Okay, so maybe I shouldn't say I have no plans. I have about... one post planned and ready to go. The other ones are rough ideas.

I actually kinda liked last week's schedule, so I'm gonna go with the same thing. Except for the obvious fact that there's no holiday this week. Which means:

Sunday - future week post

Monday - mental health post?*

Tuesday - poetry

Wednesday - music post

Thursday - NOTHING

Friday - mental health post?*

Saturday - book review*

(The ones with * next to them are ones that I'm not sure if I'll be able to write things for, but I AM going to be trying my best to have things ready in time. It all depends on how I'm feeling mentally)

Now, the last week was a bit crazy. The 4th was spend with family—as it always is for my family—and the rest of the week was sports coming to and end. Therapy has slowed down for a bit so I'm sitting here with a ton of time to just recuperate and write.

So far, I'm loving it.

I'm loving the time I have to go through music I haven't ever seen before, I'm appreciating not being on a time crunch every time I try to write a blog post, and I love having time to just rest if I can't seem to do anything without pushing myself too hard.

I've played some new games on my phone (I know, so productive *small laugh*), I've given myself some grace in terms of reading books, I've gotten to actually enjoy my food rather than eating as fast as possible and running off to do the next task.

But most amazingly, I've been able to just chill and chat with friends without stressing over the next thing that's coming along.

My mental health also hasn't been quite as terrible this week, but I'm not sure if it's the breaks, my meds, or the fact that things are easing up a bit overall. I kinda wish I knew but I'm not complaining either way.

Anyway, I'm done rambling. Thank you so much for reading (if you've read this far) and I hope you have a wonderful week!!

The frogs are cheering you on, fellow warriors.

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